Curried Mashed Sweet Potatoes

This comes from the Top Chef Cookbook… which I unfortunately don’t open very often.  It’s such a simple combination, I’m surprised I’d never tried it before.

Roast sweet potatoes about an hour at 375 (peeled, cut into about 1” chunks), with olive oil and curry powder and salt. Penzey’s hot curry powder is very nice for this.  Blend in food processor or mash by hand, with 1T butter and 1T lemon juice for every 2 medium potatoes.

YUM.  The combination of sweet potato, curry, and lemon juice is very, very yummy.

The quinoa pilaf recipe that’s supposed to be the main dish is also tasty, but it’s the sweet potatoes that I find myself making ALL The Time.

0 Replies to “Curried Mashed Sweet Potatoes”

  1. I’ve had this as many times as Steph has made it…. (because it was for me after all)! The combination is amazing. Spicy sweet potatoes and tart cranberries in the best quinoa recipe to date. Great vegetarian option.

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