Turkey Gobbler

I love my family.  I just love them more when I have a BAC over .06%.  This is an excellent holiday drink.  You can serve it warm or cold.


  • 3 parts apple cider (cider, not juice)
  • 1 part orange juice
  • 1 part Bourbon (I prefer Wild Turkey 101. Maker’s Mark would also be a good choice, but any really Kentucky bourbon would be okay.)


  • Mix it all up!  Take a sip and slap a silly grin on your face.
  • If serving warm, you could also chuck in a cinnamon stick.  Wait to add the bourbon until right before serving.
  • If serving cold, it would be pretty to put it in a glass punch bowl and float some orange slices on it.

Corn Pudding

One of my holiday favorites.  Substantial and creamy.


  • 1 stick of butter (can lower to half a stick if you feel weird about butter)
  • 1 pint of sour cream
  • 15 oz can cream corn
  • 15 oz can corn (drained)
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • 1 box corn bread (like Jiffy)


  1. Melt butter in 9×9 casserole dish.
  2. In bowl, mix all ingredients.  Be sure to drain the plain canned corn.  It also helps to do all the wet stuff first and then add the dry.
  3. Pour into casserole and bake uncovered at 350 F for 45 minutes to an hour.

Cheesy Kentucky Broccoli

(Made up by Sarah G.)

Some people would say that Miracle Whip has no business being in a vegetable dish.  Those people probably do not live in The South.


  • 2 cups Sharp Cheddar Cheese (shredded)
  • 2 cups Mild Cheddar Cheese (shredded)
  • 16 oz jar Cheese Whiz
  • 1/3 cup Miracle Whip
  • 24 oz frozen broccoli florets
  • French fried onions (for topping) (optional)


  1. Steam/boil/microwave (whichever is your preferred method for cooking it) broccoli until it is tender.
  2. In large bowl, mix cooked, drained broccoli, cheese whiz, shredded cheeses and Miracle Whip.  Reserve some of the shredded cheese for topping.
  3. Place in greased 9×9 casserole dish and top with reserved shredded cheese and fried onions.
  4. Bake at 350 degrees F for 25 minutes until bubbly and melty.  Watch to make sure onions don’t burn. If they start to go, you can cover with foil to protect them.